Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Trailers premiere at Comic-Con to fanboys' delight

Tron Legacy
This must have led to some serious salivation at Comic-Con.
The anticipated sequel to TRON, entitled Tron Legacy, starring Jeff Bridges, is heading for theaters in Disney 3D in 2010 or 2011. The Wachowski brothers tried to make their own TRON with last summer’s eye candy overload, Speed Racer, and that flop might have only amplified fanboys’ desire for a new
Unnecessary sequels come and go every few weeks, most of them unsurprising disappointments. But in returns Tron, a franchise that might fit in with today’s level of geekdom than it could before. The 1982 original is canonized in certain social circles, and though I’m not in that circle, I can respect that. The effects look terrific in this riveting teaser.

Hot Tub Time Machine
Its Snakes on a Plane title tells us all we need to know. The first trailer for the brilliantly titled comedy, due out February 26, 2010, premiered at Comic-Con. The redband is not particularly good, but the cast certainly helps preserve that so-bad-it’s-good feeling. Cusack’s F-bomb lacks snap.
It seems like a concept some hack writer pitched to a studio 25 years ago to capitalize on the Back to the Future frenzy and the script was discarded.
Co-writer Josh Heald defended his screenplay on Cinematical last year.
After a night of drinking red bull and vodka, four friends - John Cusack, Rob Corddry, Craig Robinson and Clark Duke (random age gap) – travel back to 1986 in the magic hot tub. Cusack is just there to ensure everyone knows he still reigns over his most prolific and fun-filled decade.
Chevy Chase and Crispin Glover (BATF!) are also in the film.

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